Nottawa Township
Centreville, Michigan 49032
Jim Rigby
Nottawa Township
Cemetery Sexton
The Nottawa Township Board has adopted the following prices for their cemeteries, effective March 2025
Burial spaces: residents $350, non-residents $700
Grave Opening Cost : Oversize Adult Youth Infant
Interment $500 $450 $350 $300
Disinterment $600 $550 $450 $400
Reinterment $500 $450 $350 $300
Cremation Placement $225
Saturdays: Add $100
Sundays: Add $150
Holidays: Add $200
Foundation Installation: $0.45 per square inch
Babcock Cemetery Section 24 Marvin Rd.
Laird Cemetery Section 2 Prairie Corner Rd.
Nottawa Cemetery Section 35 Fillmore Rd.
Pioneer Cemetery Section 16 Spring Creek Rd. (Inactive)
Prairie River Cemetery Section 19 N. Nottawa Rd.
Old Centreville Cemetery Section 19 N. Dean St. (Inactive)
maintained by the Old Centreville Cemetery Committee,
contact Liz Campbell 269-823-3893